
He took all the rubbish back to the dormitory just to cover up a secret that couldn't be told


Home Mission One: Midnight Escape Mission Two: Stench Mission Three: GSM Images

This is the last dormitory on this corridor. When you open the door, a stench hits your face, and you know you have found the place described in the mission.

The room was full of rubbish and flies flying everywhere. You pinched your nose and walked in to find the writing clue. God bless you, you soon find a diary written by the owner of the room, full of words about his low self-esteem.

Looking at the words abowrapper">ve, you cursed: "This is school bullying!"

There is a photo in the diary. The child in the photo is severely obese. It can be seen that he has a low self-esteem. He seems to be afraid of the camera, so he hides behind his father. And his father had a bad temper, his face was full of anger, and he was very rough with him. He pinched his neck with one hand and dragged him out from behind.

The diary records that the boy longed for praise from his father, but no matter what he did or how sensible he was, he was always met with violence and reprimands. He lived a cautious life, and his body could only feel a sense of satisfaction when eating. However, he ate uncontrollably and regarded eating as a way to relieve stress. The final result was that the boy was seriously overweight when he was very young.

Seeing the boy's ugly appearance, his father, instead of being worried, felt a sense of revenge.

The boy who didn't know anything just felt his father's happiness, so he started eating even harder.

As he grew older, he became mentally and physically sick.

The boy has a serious psychological problem. Things that others think are beautiful will become extremely ugly in his eyes. Things that others hate and avoid, he treasures like treasures.

"Just like his nickname," said his father, "pig."

What's strange to you is that the second half of the diary is filled with the boy's apologies to his father, which makes you feel uncomfortable.

Suddenly, you realized that the source of the stench was not the garbage in the room. You looked at the cabinet door next to you and pulled it open hard.

You got:

A boy's most beloved treasure: I don't understand why everyone is disgusted with my babies, only my most awed father is happy with me. He often used his hard fist to express his concern for me. In order to express my gratitude, I used plastic wrap to make my father into the most perfect treasure in my eyes.
